Discussion of the reporting form on cash turnover in the NBT

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Discussion of the reporting form on cash turnover in the NBT

With a view of correct representation of the Reporting Form №23 “On Cash Turnover” and discussion of the Draft of Instruction №173 “On cash operations in the NBT, credit institutions and Islamic credit organisations”, working session under the leadership of Ms. Lola Salimova, Deputy Chairman of the NBT with representatives of subdivisions of Money Circulation and Cash Operations of Ministries and Agencies, and also credit institutions of the country has taken place on June 20, 2017 in the National Bank of Tajikistan. Money Circulation and Cash Operations Department and other NBT structural subdivisions have acted as initiators of working session.


Opening the working session, Ms. Lola Salimova, Deputy Chairman of the NBT has made salutatory speech, especially having underlined importance of observance of correct filling of the Reporting Form №23 and strengthening of control in credit institutions. Ms. Lola Salimova referring to studying and analysis of data has noted that there are many divergences at assignment of symbols by the credit institutions. During her speech Ms. Lola Salimova, Deputy Chairman of the NBT, addressing to the credit institutions, has requested advertency for preparation of reports on monetary operations, concerning cash turnover: “We would like, that everyone held a seminar with their employees on correct assignment of symbols on cash receipts. Since accounting requirements will be tightened in the second half of the year”.

Then Mr. Mahmudov I., Head of Financial Stability Management has acted with presentation concerning cash maintenance level of national economy and other issues, connected with a cash turnover, resulting expanded analysis. During debates Heads of other NBT structural divisions have proponed to the Draft of the Instruction №173 “On cash operations in the NBT, credit institutions and Islamic credit organizations”, specifying necessity of introduction of amendments and additions to it, and also have discussed “Procedure of Introduction of Dimensional Gold Bars of the National Bank of Tajikistan and conducting operations with them”.


During presentation and disputes participants of working session had possibility to state their offers on entering of amendments in the Draft of “On cash operations in the NBT, credit institutions and the Islamic credit organisations” and receive answers to the concerned issues.

At working session attention also has been paid to problems of extension of cashless settlements in the country as the national economy growth demands increase of money turnover and a share of cashless settlements in money circulation total volume.

It has been noted that this concerns not only the NBT, but credit institutions too. Therefore it is necessary, that banking system should intensify efforts in the given direction and make feasible contribution to securing legal base of payment system.


At the end of working session Ms. Lola Salimova, Deputy Chairman of the NBT has again underlined, that the NBT and credit institutions of the country are obliged to keep strict watch for cleanness and quality of circulating paper banknotes and coins, and there is the NBT instruction to credit institutions to replace shabby monetary banknotes with new denominations on free and gratuitous base. “Therefore, the NBT provides credit institutions with new banknotes”, - said Ms. L. Salimova.

It is necessary to note that realization of similar actions as a whole promotes strengthening of employees’ professionalism of Money Circulation and Cash Operations divisions of credit institutions of the country.

Press Division

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