National Unity - solidarity symbol of independent Tajikistan

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National Unity - solidarity symbol of independent Tajikistan

On June 22, 2017 the solemn meeting, devoted to the 20th anniversary of National Unity Day, with participation of employees of NBT Central Office has taken place in National bank of Tajikistan.

In the beginning of meeting Hamidullo Mashrabzoda, Deputy Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan on behalf of management of National Bank of Tajikistan has congratulated present with 20th anniversary of historical date. During his speech Mr. Mashrabzoda H. has noted the important role and aspirations of the Founder of Peace and National Unity - Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, His Excellency Emomali Rahmon in developing and signing of the Agreement on establishment of Peace and National Consent in Tajikistan.


- Adoption of this vital document can be considered as one of the greatest achievements of the people of the country after independence acquisition. The peace triumph and People Unity of Tajikistan began to promote development and strengthening of national economy. Also in these years, by the direct support of the Founder of Peace and National Unity - Leader of the Nation the banking system of independent Tajikistan has achieved considerable results, - has noted Mashrabzoda H.

Then Mr. Majid Salim, Member of the Writers’ Union of Tajikistan has congratulated present with 20th anniversary of National Unity Day and a holiday of Eid al-Fitr, and made a report on history of achievement of peace and national consent, efforts of Leader of the Nation in this direction:

- In November, 1992 at 16th Session of Parliament of the Republic of Tajikistan Founder of Peace and National Unity - Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, His Excellency Emomali Rahmon has been elected the Chairman of Supreme Soviet of the Republic of Tajikistan. The Leader of Nation, already then addressing to the republic people, has told: “While we will not lay down arms and not establish peace and calmness in our country, and not be engaged in creative work, no support and assistance of other countries cannot improve our situation. And while the last refugee will not be returned home, I will not feel satisfied. I will truly and faithfully serve to Motherland that peace and calmness was established in each house and in each family of our country”.


So, by the constant efforts of Founder of Peace and National Unity - Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan negotiations between the conflicting parties have begun, and after several negotiations the parties have signed the Agreement on an establishment of Peace and National Consent in Tajikistan on June 27, 1997 in Moscow, which has opened new page in a modern history of the Tajik State.

After that, Mirzohasan Sultonov, Head of Translation Division of the NBT Chairman Office has made speech on value of National Consent in strengthening of peace and nation building: “Historical evidence witness that our people with inherent tolerance and humanity have rescued time and again itself and other people from disasters and murderous wars. Famous sons of our people have managed bravely to defend freedom and independence of the country. And today in atmosphere of peace and solidarity the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan under guidance of the Leader of Nation realizes extensive and long-term plans for strengthening of national statehood”.


Actually, strengthening of independence of the country, creation of national statehood, political stability and safety, implementation of strategic plans, and also social and economic and scientifically-cultural development of the country in many respects depend on peace, calmness and national unity in the country. And the Agreement on establishment of Peace and National Consent in Tajikistan remains the consolidating factor of the Nation Unity.

At the end, Hamidullo Mashrabzoda, Deputy Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan has again congratulated present with 20th anniversary of historical date and a holiday of Eid al-Fitr, having wished the peaceful sky and prosperity.

Press Division

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