Actuality of Non-Performing Loan Management

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Actuality of Non-Performing Loan Management

In the framework of partner cooperation with the International financial corporation (IFC) training seminar on “Non-Performing Loan Management” (NPL) for representatives of the credit institutions of the country has been organized on June 29, 2017 in the National Bank of Tajikistan.

“The purpose of holding of the given seminar was in improvement of financial skills and knowledges of banking system employees on loan management and realisation of credit policy”, - has noted Mr. Sirojiddin Ikromi, Deputy Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan in the introductory speech. It has been noted that the seminar subjects concern current problems of banking operations, and performance of similar actions promotes prevention of existing problems in the credit institutions, and also enables to find these problems solution approach.


Further Mr. S. Ikromi referring to the last years’ assessments, has noted that just the inadequate credit policy organisation promoted vulnerability of credit institutions in this sphere.

Taking into account this fact, Mr. Sirojiddin Ikromi, Deputy Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan has urged representatives of the credit institutions to intensify efforts to make essential steps to monetary policy realisation, and banking system as a whole.


During two-day seminar, from June 29 – 30 of the current year Mr. Fergus Clark and Mr. Nathaniel Dickerson, IFC skilled trainer train representatives of the credit institutions on problem loan management. Also, during practical training by interactive method participants are provided possibility along with theoretical practice share and learn work experience with problem loans, specify state of loan market.


It is necessary to note that holding of the second stage of practical seminar for credit institutions on “Non-Performing Loan Management” (NPL) is planned on July 3-4 of current year. These trainings are spent within the limits of realisation of the World Bank Group Project on strengthening of financial infrastructure in the countries of the Central Asia and Azerbaijan, with financial support of the Government of Switzerland (SECO).

Press Division

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