Cooperation: National Bank of Tajikistan and “UnionPay” Company

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Cooperation: National Bank of Tajikistan and “UnionPay” Company

On July 3, 2017 the meeting of Mr. Jamshed Nurmahmadzoda, Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan with delegation of “UnionPay” Company headed by Mr. Shi Wenchao, President of the company, who is on working visit in Tajikistan has taken place in National bank of Tajikistan.

During the meeting Mr. Jamshed Nurmahmadzoda, Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan has stated that the clearing settlements issue is considered actual and important for Republic Tajikistan, and irrespective of external factors and crisis influence, the given sphere is developing in the country. It has been pointed out that as the basic part of plastic cards’ users falls on social sphere (pension, wages of budgetary organisations), the given area requires modern and qualitative services. Accordingly, cooperation of the National Bank of Tajikistan with “UnionPay” company and utilization of experience of this company, in general promote development of banking system.


Information on National Processing Centre which has been formed for establishment of “National Card” - national payment system with a view of increase of clearing settlements share and maintenance of self-contained, independent of external payment systems platform for calculations and minimization of external factors influence risk on a payment infrastructure of Tajikistan also has been provided during talks.

In turn, Mr. Shi Wenchao, President of the “UnionPay” company has expressed readiness for bilateral cooperation, and shared information on company’s advances in clearing settlements sphere in connection with advanced technologies, including realisation of non-cash payment via mobile services. In reference to cooperation with national payment system “National Card” and commercial banks, Mr. Shi Wenchao has stated that cooperation will be adjusted on the basis of joint projects under the clearing settlement, by means of new modern services. It has been underlined taking into account that the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Tajikistan are neighbouring states, “UnionPay” Company is ready to mutually advantageous cooperation with the National Bank of Tajikistan on rendering of services of cards from “UnionPay” Company.

During the meeting, Jamshed Nurmahmadzoda, pointing out in cooperation within the competence of the National Bank of Tajikistan, has reminded, that during realisation of projects on system of clearing settlements “UnionPay” Company should consider national features and mentality of the population of Tajikistan, living standard and well-being in the country, security assurance and privileged access. It has been underlined that considerable works are done for the purpose of realisation of the Government Decree of the Republic of Tajikistan №815 “On measures of clearing settlements expansion with the use of bank payment cards”, but at the same time the National Bank of Tajikistan requires now the best practices and technical assistance of company in this direction, including on training of technical experts and in providing electronic terminals.


At the end of the meeting passing in atmosphere of mutual understanding, parties have satisfyingly expressed their unified position regarding cooperation, and have declared on formation of Working Group for adjustment of further cooperation which will take all necessary favorable measures for realisation of projects for economy of Tajikistan.

It is necessary to note that Mr. Hamidullo Mashrabzoda, Deputy Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan, Mr. Bilolov F., Head of International Relations Management, Mr. Salohiddinov Sh., Head of Payment Systems Management, Mr. Wang Lisi, Mr. Chen Zhi, Mr. Zhang Huaxuan, Mr. Kuanish Tankiev and Ms. Shinar Rustemova - representatives of “UnionPay” Company also attended the meeting and exchanged opinions.

In the frame of bilateral cooperation “National Card” National Payment System Processing Centre and “UnionPay” Processing Centre release joint plastic cards (co-brand) “UnionPay” payment system by the domestic credit organisations is provided.

“UnionPay” Payment system as national system of the People's Republic of China has been established in 2002. Now “UnionPay” is considered one of the international authoritative payment system on the same basis as Visa and Master Card. By the end of 2016 the quantity of “UnionPay” cards has reached 5,8 billion which are used in 162 countries of the world.

Press Division

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