Educational interactive program on financial literacy for teenagers

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Educational interactive program on financial literacy for teenagers

On July 11, 2017 the National Bank of Tajikistan within the framework of partner cooperation with the German Savings Banks Foundation and with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan with the view of improvement of financial literacy has organised the educational interactive program titled “Savings” for teenagers of 14-15 years old in children's camp “Sharora”.


The aim of holding out of similar interactive seminars is attraction of teenagers’ interest to studying of financial knowledge. During seminar participants have been provided with information on how to plan their incomes and expenses, how to make balanced decisions upon occurrence of unexpected vital problems, and also the financial institutions role in people’s life was noted.


In the beginning of the mentioned seminar organizers of action, including experts of NBT Banking System Services Consumers Rights Protection Management have explained to participants how it is important to be financially literate and why similar educational interactive programs are necessary to teenagers.

The given educational program passed in three rounds (modelling of family expenses), and during game performance equally with consideration of teenagers’ opinion on financial concepts, information on credit and deposit concepts, planning of incomes and expenses has been provided and also where to save the money resources.


It is necessary to add that the given action passed in favorable atmosphere, in the results of which positive responses have proceeded from participants.

At end of the seminar all participants of educational interactive program have received gifts, books and school supplies from organizers of action.

Press Division

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