Meeting of NBT Chairman with Mrs. Yasmine Gouedard, Ambassador of France

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Meeting of NBT Chairman with Mrs. Yasmine Gouedard, Ambassador of France

On July 28, 2017 Mr. Jamshed Nurmahmadzoda, Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan met with Mrs. Yasmine Gourdard, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the French Republic to the Republic of Tajikistan.

At the beginning of the meeting Mr. Jamshed Nurmahmadzoda, Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan has noted the positive tendency of development of Tajik-French relations in political, economic, military and cultural fields.


“Trade turnover between our countries tends growth, in 2014 the volume of trade turnover of Tajikistan and France has made USD 7,3 million, in 2015 – USD 8,3 million, and following the results of 2016 this indicator has reached USD 11,2 million. This provides bases for optimism, and it is necessary for parties to use all existing possibilities for growth of external trade turnover” - has stated Jamshed Nurmahmadzoda.

During the meeting the Chairman of National Bank of Tajikistan Mr. Jamshed Nurmahmadzoda has reminded on partner cooperation between the National Bank of Tajikistan and Bank of France where on the basis of signed Agreement on cooperation with international banking and financial institutions of Bank of France, from 1999 to 2006, more than 200 NBT employees passed professional development programme.


“We expect, such mutually advantageous cooperation in sphere of professional development of employees of banking system will be again harmonized”, - has underlined Jamshed Nurmahmadzoda. Issues on cooperation in sphere of rendering of technical assistance for performance of trainings and establishment of branches of the French banks in the Republic of Tajikistan also have been considered during the meeting.

In turn, Mrs. Yasmine Gourdard has expressed willingness to support on cooperation expansion in financial sphere, including in banking system which plays important role in financial stability securing in the Republic of Tajikistan.

She also has highlighted that in the beginning of 2018 the French Republic is intended to organise and hold an exhibition of production of French companies in the Republic of Tajikistan, and give new momentum to trade relations of two countries. It was told that due to increase in number of French companies in the Tajik market, necessity for opening French bank divisions in the Republic of Tajikistan will arise.

Mrs. Yasmine Gourdard has suggested to Management of the National Bank of Tajikistan to present offers concerning cooperation in sphere of banking system, all questions will dare within the limits of existing possibilities and cooperation expansion. The NBT Chairman Jamshed Nurmahmadzoda has in turn underlined necessity of development of specific program on interbank cooperation.

Other issues of mutual interest, such as cooperation in sphere of correspondent relationships between commercial banks of France and Tajikistan, attraction of technical assistance, exchange of experience between experts of banking system of both countries and cooperation in sphere of AML/FT have been discussed also at the meeting.

Press Division

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