Visit of the EU Delegation for Central Asia to the NBT

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Visit of the EU Delegation for Central Asia to the NBT

On October 11, 2017 it was held a bilateral meeting with the EU Delegation for Central Asia in the NBT. The First Deputy Chairman of NBT Mr. J. Nuraliyev has attended the working meeting from the NBT side and Mr. Peter Burian, EU Special Representative for Central Asia from the European Union side.


At the beginning of meeting, the First Deputy Chairman of the NBT, Mr.J. Nuraliev has acquainted participants with macroeconomic and financial situation in the country, situation in banking system and implementation of reforms in this area, focusing primarily on improving regulatory acts, implementing effective monetary policy, ensuring financial stability and payment system . He has noted that in order to strengthen the process of reforming the system and financial sector, it is very important to ensure favorable conditions as well as support and assistance of our partners.


During the meeting, parties have discussed issues of expanding mutual cooperation in various sectors of the economy, in field of hydropower, banking system as well as issues related to elimination of existing problems in the system, development of small and medium businesses through investment attraction.

In turn, the EU Special Representative Peter Burian spoke about the IMF program, implementation of the National Development Strategy of the Republic of Tajikistan for the period to 2030, cooperation and assistance provided by the European Union to the country's banking system through implementation of grant programs. Emphasizing the need in promotion of investment climate improvement, supporting banking system and improving macroeconomic situation, Peter Burian expressed his willingness to cooperate in these areas.


At the end of the meeting, J. Nuraliev has expressed the NBT's willingness for cooperation and urged the delegation of the European Union to expand the areas of mutually beneficial cooperation for supporting and implementing grant programs aimed at developing the country's banking system.

The working meeting with representatives of the European Union took place in an atmosphere of mutual understanding and constructive dialogue. The meeting was also attended by the Ambassador, Head of the EU Delegation to Tajikistan Hidajet Biscevic, Head of the Central Asia Division of the European External Action Service Toivo Klaar, Head of Operations Section of the EU Delegation to Tajikistan Maciej Madalinski and EEAS Desk Officer responsible for Tajikistan Roland Honecamp, heads of structural subdivisions of the NBT.

Press Division NBT

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