“MasterCard”: modern technologies and risks

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“MasterCard”: modern technologies and risks

With the view of improvement of knowledge and experience of credit institutions’ specialists on implementation and application of modern payment technologies and non-cash payments on November 28, 2017 in the frame of Payment services Development decade the training seminar on modern technologies and risks was conducted by the NBT Payment System Management in co-operation with “MasterCard” International Payment System in the NBT.


Opening the working session, Ms. Lola Salimova, Deputy Chairman of the NBT has made salutatory speech and thanked the representatives of “MasterCard” International Payment System for their initiative and support in development of clearing settlements in the Republic of Tajikistan and cooperation in organization of training seminar on modern technologies and potential risks. Ms. Lola Salimova expressed satisfaction for the development of bilateral fruitful cooperation between the National Bank of Tajikistan and “MasterCard” International Payment System within the limits of executed agreement and also noted: “Increase of non-cash settlements share in transaction for all central banks including the National Bank of Tajikistan is the main and prioritized issue. The arrangement of similar seminars allows employees of credit organizations to improve their knowledge and experience on modern technologies for development of clearing settlements, ways of prevention and reduction of possible risks connected with payment cards system and to receive more information in this sphere applying it in practice in the organisations”.


Some responsible representatives of “MasterCard” International Payment System, including, Anton Brozdin, Director for commerce development in the Central Asia, Michael Agashkov, Director for development and innovation, Alexey Duminjuk, Payment System Project Manager, Evgenie Balezin, Head of Department for Struggle Against Fraudulent Activities have taken part and addressedt the given seminar.


Then presentations on important topics on payment system, including “PayPass 3.0” - wireless payment technology, application of biometric data in settlement, “Identity Check” – e-business protection technology, automatization, clearing and accounts review, optimization of services share for cross-border transactions, risk management and combat with fraudulent activities, current basic risks and fraudulent trend, conformance programme with “MasterCard”, “MasterCard” products and services for participants of seminar have been made by the responsible executives of “MasterCard” International Payment System.

Press Division NBT

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