First meeting of Working team on development of payment system

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First meeting of Working team on development of payment system

The increase in share of non-cash settlements is an urgent task for ensuring the transparency of financial flows and reducing the share of shadow economy and therefore belongs to priorities of the government of the country. The increasing availability of retail payments with use of payment cards is an important task at the present stage of national payment system development.


In this connection, by the instruction of the First Deputy Prime-minister Davlatali Said, the interdepartmental Working team among specialists from ministries and departments was established under the National Bank of Tajikistan to discuss the development of payment system and increase of share of non-cash payments in the payment turnover.

The first meeting of the Working team was held on February 16, 2018 under the chairmanship of the Deputy Chairman of NBT, Salimova L.J during which ways of introducing modern non-cash payment instruments in the implementation of retail payments such as taxes, public services, utilities and other payments were discussed.


During the meeting of the Working team, representatives of National Bank of Tajikistan also have proposed specific measures to increase the share of non-cash payments and provided draft laws on changes and supplements to be made to current laws for stimulating business entities to effect settlements through non-cash method.

Payment Systems Management

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