Prospects of cooperation: Meeting of the NBT delegation with representatives of Consulting Company NAVIGANT

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Prospects of cooperation: Meeting of the NBT delegation with representatives of Consulting Company NAVIGANT

The issues related to the role of correspondent relations and opportunities for their establishment were considered on April 17, 2018, during the meeting of the NBT delegation with representatives of Consulting company NAVIGANT in Washington (USA),.

The working meeting was held under the leadership of the First Deputy Chairman of NBT, Jamoliddin Nuraliev, with participation of representatives of credit institutions of the Republic of Tajikistan in the framework of Spring Meetings of the IMF and the World Bank Group-2018.


The First Deputy Chairman of NBT, Jamoliddin Nuraliev, after introducing the Tajik delegation, has informed representatives of the consulting company "NAVIGANT" about the situation of banking system of the Republic of Tajikistan. During the meeting, Jamoliddin Nuraliev has noted that the establishment of correspondent banking relations in the Central Asia and Caucasia regions will contribute to development of not only banking system but also to growth of economy of countries of the region as well as their financial position, which is of great interest to the banking system of the Republic of Tajikistan.


Then, Director of Consulting company NAVIGANT, Ellen Zimiles, has provided detailed information on the company's services, reports and diagnostics on the basis of information provided by banks that could help establish correspondent banking relationships. At the same time, the attention of attendees was drawn to the company's activities in providing services that create the basis for establishing correspondent relations between banks of different countries, relying on existing experience.


The First Deputy Chairman of NBT, Jamoliddin Nuraliev, who led the delegation of domestic banks in this meeting, has asked how far the company's conclusions can contribute to establishment of correspondent relations between the banks of the Republic of Tajikistan in the region as well as other services of the company.

In response, representatives of the Consulting company NAVIGANT have reported on requirements set by the USA for establishing correspondent relations with banks of other countries, requirements for ensuring security and compliance with international standards, ensuring continuous monitoring of banks interested in establishing correspondent relations, especially continuous monitoring and monitoring of operations.


During the meeting, an open discussion took place between representatives of Tajik banks and representatives of the Consulting company NAVIGANT on provided services as well as prospects for cooperation and requirements of companies.

Press Division of NBT

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