Visit of the IMF mission to the NBT

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Visit of the IMF mission to the NBT

The group of representatives of the IMF under the leadership of the Ms. Padamja Khandelwal, the head of the IMF mission to Tajikistan with a view of acquaintance with economic situation and development of new program of economic reforms, has visited the Republic of Tajikistan.


In the framework of working visit of the IMF mission, on May 14, 2018, the working meeting of the Chairman of the NBT, Jamshed Nurmahmadzoda, with the head of IMF mission to RT, Ms. Padamja Khandelwal was held. The First Deputy Chairman of the NBT Jamoliddin Nuraliev and heads of the key structural subdivisions of the NBT also have attended the meeting.


During the meeting, which was held in the atmosphere of mutual understanding, parties have discussed the issues of the country's socio-economic development, preservation of macroeconomic stability, necessity to strengthen foundations of monetary and fiscal policy.


Chairman of the NBT Jamshed Nurmahmadzoda during the conversation acquainted guests with macroeconomic indicators, current situation of financial system of Tajikistan. In particular, he has noted the situation with development of real sector and results achieved in the field of monetary policy of the republic for 2017, indicators of production for the 1st quarter of 2018, inflation rate, economic development prospects and potential risks, as well as plans to eliminate existing problems and implementing reforms of financial sector, transition to inflation targeting. Jamshed Nurmahmadzoda has expressed hopes for achievement of qualitatively new level of bilateral and multilateral cooperation with the IMF and willingness of the NBT to assist in necessary areas of banking sector.


The head of IMF mission to Tajikistan, Ms. Padamja Khandelwal, in turn, expressed her gratitude to the management of the NBT for creating favorable conditions on study of macroeconomic situation in the country and interest in the expanding cooperation in priority areas with Tajikistan, including the NBT. She has noted that all efforts will be aimed at expanding cooperation in the banking system, which is important for financial stability and economic development of the country, as well as for implementation of reforms in the field of monetary policy and implementation of the new IMF Program on economic reforms for the Republic of Tajikistan.


It should be noted that the IMF Resident Representative in the Republic of Tajikistan Yuriy Sobolev, IMF Economists Benicio Dalmacio, Mirzaev Sanan and the IMF expert Johan Molin also have attended the meeting with the IMF mission. The mission of the International Monetary Fund under the leadership of Ms. Padamja Khandelwal, who is also the head of the IMF Office for the Republic of Tajikistan, will be in the Republic of Tajikistan from May 12 to May 23, to familiarize with macroeconomic situation, including the situation of banking system and preparing economic review on the Republic of Tajikistan. It is planned that during this period the IMF Mission will be able to meet with heads of a number of key ministries and departments of the country

Press Division of NBT

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