Meeting of representatives of Management for Combating the Organized Crime of MIA of the Republic of Tajikistan and Financial Monitoring Department under the NBT

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Meeting of representatives of Management for Combating the Organized Crime of MIA of the Republic of Tajikistan and Financial Monitoring Department under the NBT

With the view of prevention of crimes connected with legalization of the proceeds, received by criminal way and financing of terrorism (AML/FT) and discussions of questions in the given sphere, a meeting of representatives of the Management for Combating the Organized Crime of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan and Financial Monitoring Department under the National Bank of Tajikistan has taken place in the premises of the abovementioned Management on December 7, 2018. The purpose of the given meeting was strengthening of cooperation of Department and the specified Management in sphere of revealing of money-laundering and financing of terrorism.


The meeting was opened with welcome address of Hafizzoda Shodi Khurshed, Head of the Management for Combating the Organized Crime of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan, and has expressed gratitude to Financial Monitoring Department of NBT for willingness to hold the meeting and provide information relating activities in the AML/FT sphere.

In turn, Faizullozoda Faizullo, Director of Financial Monitoring Department under the National Bank of Tajikistan, has noted that with the view of elimination of the crimes connected with terrorism and extremism, close cooperation between Management for Combating the Organized Crime and Financial Monitoring Department is established. Also he has noted that today's action is directed on increase of level of bilateral cooperation in the given sphere. It has been also noted that the present event is directed on increasing the level of bilateral cooperation in the given field.


During a meeting, the employees of Financial Monitoring Department under the National Bank Tajikistan made presentations on following themes, including:

  • National risk assessment of AML/FT and FATF recommendations on elimination and struggle against AML/FT;
  • Requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan on AML/CFT/PWMDFP;
  • Mutual cooperation of Financial Monitoring Department under the National Bank Tajikistan and Management for Combating the Organized Crime of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan and its results;
  • Mutual cooperation of Financial Monitoring Department with law enforcement authorities and its results.
Besides, video materials concerning concept of money-laundering, terrorism and its financing have been provided by Department.


Over 70 representatives of Management for Combating the Organized Crime of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan and Financial Monitoring Department have participated in the given action. Performance of similar actions are directed on maintenance of national security and elimination of such negative consequences, as legalisation (laundering) of the proceeds received criminal by, and terrorism financing.

It is worth to note that holding of similar meetings is the result of close cooperation between the Financial Monitoring Department and Management for Combating the Organized Crime of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan, maintenance of security of our Motherland, and prevention of financing of terrorism is a paramount objective of all citizens of the Republic.

Financial Monitoring Department

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