Meeting of Jamoliddin Nuraliev with the World Bank delegation

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Meeting of Jamoliddin Nuraliev with the World Bank delegation

On April 2, 2019 Jamoliddin Nuraliev, First Deputy Chairman of the NBT met with the World Bank delegation headed by Ms. Goar Gyuluman, Senior Economist on the Republic of Tajikistan, which is on a working trip in the Republic of Tajikistan from 1 to 10 of April, 2019. The World Bank delegation included Mr. Jan-Peter Olters,


World Bank Permanent Representative in Tajikistan, Mr. Sudarshan Kanagarja, Director of Strategy Development Department, Mr. Saumya Mitra, Leading International Adviser and other WB experts. It should be noted that the World Bank delegation has visited the Republic of Tajikistan with the view of consideration of the National Development Strategy and preliminary preparation of analysis report on outcomes of macro-fiscal investment of “Rogun” HPP.


During the meeting the parties have discussed the priorities of the Republic of Tajikistan within the frame of the National Development Strategy, including measures supported by Partnership programme with the Republic of Tajikistan.


Jamoliddin Nuraliev, First Deputy Chairman of the NBT speaking on provision of economic development over the last years, also has expressed opinion on the major strategic project – “Rogun” HPP and profitableness of construction of this object not only for the Republic of Tajikistan, but also presentation of ample opportunities for the entire Central Asia region and neighbouring countries. Jamoliddin Nuraliev specially emphasized that the project has regional feature, represents favourable conditions for access to economic power and beneficial for the region countries, and called the World Bank for investment as relevant financial institution for attraction of foreign capital for further realization of “Rogun” HPP Project.


During the meeting the parties also paid attention on some issues, relating the republic economy, including economy development trend, progress of work and financing plan of “Rogun” HPP Project, share of Eurobonds emission for implementation of the project, progress of realization of regional project of CASA-1000 on electric-power transmission, reforms in power industry and other industries of Tajikistan, process of cooperation with international financial institutions and others.


The World Bank delegation has expressed its opinion on most completed work in realization of the large strategic project of “Rogun” HPP, and paid attention on existence of possibility of attraction of foreign capital to this strategic construction, probability of perspectives of power export in the region, reorganization of OJSC “Barqi Tojik” and other important economic problems.


At the end of the meeting Jamoliddin Nuraliev, First Deputy Chairman of the NBT has extended thanks to the World Bank delegation for continuous fruitful cooperation for study and assessment of consideration of analysis relating realization of “Rogun” HPP Project and Plans on National Development Strategies.

Press Division

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