Global Money Week in Tajikistan

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Global Money Week in Tajikistan

With the view of strengthening of population’s trust to banking system, improvement of financial literacy of the population the National Bank of Tajikistan in cooperation with credit institutions holds Global Money Week for children and youth in March annually. All credit institutions of the republic, Association of microfinancial organizations, international organizations, including the International Financial Corporation (IFC) actively participate in performance of the given event. It should be noted that the Republic of Tajikistan holds this event for the fifth time along with developed countries.


The process of learning of financial knowledges should start since childhood, i.e., in pre-school institutions and be continued in secondary and high schools.

Therefore, with the view of contribution to this event the National Bank of Tajikistan in cooperation with representatives of the International Financial Corporation (IFC) and LLC MCDO “Humo” have organized an excursion to the Museum of the National Bank of Tajikistan for schoolchildren.


During this excursion for the purpose of acquaintance with the Museum of the National Bank of Tajikistan the financial training workshop was organized for the schoolchildren of upper forms of the secondary school №148 from Rudaki District, students of Russian-Tajik Slavonic University and Tajik State Commerce University.


During the individual (interactive) sessions the students were provided with brief information on showpieces of the Museum of the National Bank of Tajikistan, history of the national currency, its features and being national value. The students alongside with seeing of historical showpieces, including getting acquainted with coins and dirhams of different periods, have listened to stories of historician Salmon Jamolov, Manager of the Museum of the National Bank of Tajikistan with great interest. At the end of event they got full answer to their questions, and they were presented books on history of national currency and showpieces of the Museum of the National Bank of Tajikistan that will support to development of financial knowledges of students.

Press Division

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