Publication of Contracts Awarded under ICB (PSC/SII1)

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Publication of Contracts Awarded under ICB (PSC/SII1)

Name of Project:  Private Sector Competitiveness Project, Republic of Tajikistan

Project ID:  H7710-TJ

Bid/Contract Description:  Implementation of the new NBT's ICT infrastructure for Banking Supervision, which also includes procurement of hardware, software and installation of the ICT infrastructure and training the relevant staff, PSC/SIIS1

Scope of Contract:  Supply, Installation and Implementation of the new NBT's ICT infrastructure for Banking Supervision, which also includes procurement of hardware, software and installation of the ICT infrastructure and training the relevant staff

Contract Signature Date: 5 April, 2019

Duration: Until 30 November, 2019

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If a Bidder wishes to ascertain the grounds on which its bid was not selected, it should request in writing an explanation from the National Bank of Tajikistan:

Attn: Mr. Firdavs Khushkadamov
Leading Specialist of Banking Supervision Department
107A Rudaki Avenue
Dushanbe, Tajikistan, 734003
Telephone: +992446003192
Electronic mail address:

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