International Forum Modern payment technologies and their use in the financial sector

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International Forum Modern payment technologies and their use in the financial sector

On December 6, 2019, the National Bank of Tajikistan hosted the International Forum “Modern payment technologies and their use in the financial sector”, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of state independence of the Republic of Tajikistan in order to popularize the use of modern technologies for cashless payments and reduce the amount of cash in circulation.


The forum was opened by Mrs.Lola Salimova, Deputy Chairman of National Bank of Tajikistan, who noted that the main purpose of arranging this event is to create favorable conditions for the exchange of experience in applying modern innovative technologies in field of payment services, presenting the achievements of credit institutions in the development of cashless payments, which can give a big impetus to further development of payment services market. Since world experience shows it is the financial and banking sector of the economy that is the first to respond to the innovations of modern digital technologies, effectively using them in its everyday activities.


Deputy Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan Mr.Hamidullo Mashrabzoda in his speech on behalf of the NBT leadership drew the attention of participants to the priorities for the development of cashless payments: “The Government of the Republic of Tajikistan has identified the development of cashless payments through use of modern payment technologies, improving and expanding the payment system infrastructure, as one of the NBT's priority areas of activity. Therefore, in order to effectively implement monetary policy and to facilitate the smooth functioning of payment system, the National Bank of Tajikistan has done certain work to innovate the country's payment system and improve its regulatory framework.”


The development of modern payment technologies for our country is one of the priority areas, in connection with this, the necessary measures are being taken to expand the sphere of non-cash payments including remote banking, increase the number of payments made through non-cash payments and electronic means of payment, increase trust and access population to financial services. In this context, taking into account the intensive development of the services market and the country's payment system infrastructure, the study and exchange of best practices of active participants in the payment services market of developed countries are of particular importance,”said H. Mashrabzoda.


Then, Deputy General Director of MIR NSPC Bochkarev S.V. has made presentation on integration of MIR NSPC and PS “Korti Milli” including the process of integration and operations using a card of one of the banks of the Russian Federation through processing of the PS “Korti milli”.


Also President of the Unistream International Payment System Kirill Palchun, representative of the Executive Office of President of the Republic of Tajikistan Fayzullozoda Fayzullo, Head of Payment System Division, Payment System Management of NBT Furkat Rahmatov, Chief specialist of International Reserves Management and Exchange Rate Policy Department Salohiddin Mirzoahmedov and representatives of credit institutions of the country with presentation materials on issues: “International Payment System“ Unistream ”,“ Review of payment services and payment systems development in the Republic of Tajikistan”,“ Prospects for cooperation. The role of financial inclusion in the economy ”,“ Development of cashless infrastructure ”,“ Development of financial and technological ecosystem ”,“ Development of electronic commerce in the Republic of Tajikistan, “UPI Developer Platform”, “Creation of a single portal for remote payment of public services”, “ An electronic wallet as a bridge between banks and mobile operators.”


In the final part, participants have assessed very positively the arrangement of such events for the country's banking and financial system, noting that it was aimed at further development of payment services.

This forum has been held for the third year in a row by the NBT, in which the NBT leadership, representative of the Executive Office of President of the Republic of Tajikistan, representatives of relevant ministries and departments, executive body of government authorities of Dushanbe, representatives of international financial institutions, credit institutions, mobile communication operators and media representatives participate.


Then a panel discussion was held with the Forum participants on modern payment technologies, including development of cashless payments in the country, modern trends in the development of payment services, use of modern technologies and new opportunities for the banking system, the real situation of payment services market, as well as problems and development prospects of cashless payments.

Press Division

National Bank of Tajikistan

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