Jointly we can fight against the infectious disease COVID-19

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Jointly we can fight against the infectious disease COVID-19

These days and nights, the people of Tajikistan, along with other nations of the world, are struggling with the pandemic of COVID-19, a new infectious disease.

In particular, the National Bank of Tajikistan for the implementation of Action Plan of Government of the Republic of Tajikistan on prevention and mitigation of coronavirus COVID-19 potential risks to the national economy and in order to prevent the potential impact of pandemic COVID-19 on the economy has developed the Action Plan on prevention of possible impact of pandemic COVID-19 on the national economy, banking and insurance system and has established headquarters to strengthen anti-epidemic measures for prevention of spreading new coronavirus infection and work in this direction goes on steadily.

At the same time, the National Bank of Tajikistan, recognizing the efforts of health care staff and the importance of their effective work in fight against this infectious disease has transferred TJS 150 000 to special account of the Treasury of Ministry of Finance (for prevention of coronavirus COVID-19 ”) on April 15, 2020 for supporting the country's health sector.

In addition, the National Bank of Tajikistan has purchased medicines, antiseptics and special protective clothing to medical workers being in great demand these days and nights for amount of TJS 44,880 and provided it to the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of Tajikistan.

Also, on May 4, 2020, the National Bank of Tajikistan transferred TJS 375 524 from the salaries of the bank staff to the Fund for assistance to physicians involved in prevention and treatment of infectious disease of coronavirus COVID-19.

We believe that jointly through following preventive measures, including personal and public hygiene, avoiding crowded places and boosting our body’s immunity, we can overcome this infectious disease.

Press Division

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