ХХIV 24th session of the Central Banks Governors’ Club of Central Asia, Black Sea Region and Balkan Countries in Dushanbe

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ХХIV 24th session of the Central Banks Governors’ Club of Central Asia, Black Sea Region and Balkan Countries in Dushanbe

24th session of the Central Banks Governors Club of Central Asia, Black Sea Region and Balkan Countries took place on September 24, 2010 in Dushanbe. Heads of 17 central banks of the states of the above-named regions such as Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Macedonia, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Turkey and other member-countries of this Club, representatives of the National Bank of Switzerland and the International Monetary Fund have participated in its work.  In the first day of the meeting Mr. David Owen, Deputy Head of the IMF Department of Middle East and Central Asia Countries has addressed the participants of 24th session of Central Banks Governors’ Club of Central Asia, Black Sea Region and Balkan Countries with report on Global Regional Economic and Financial Development and Mr.Sharif Rahimzoda, Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan has addressed with report on Strengthening of Banking Supervision during Post-crisis Period. Then participants of the session have started discussion of the above-mentioned reports and have expressed their opinion on respective various aspects.  Some heads of the Central Banks of other countries have short addressed the participants of the session with the information on activity of central banks and economic situation in member-countries of the Club and changes for the period which has passed since the session of the Club held in Astana and Dushanbe.  Also during the session the exchange of opinions between the majority of participants of the Club and guests of the meeting on issues of implementation of monetary policy, banking supervision and maintenance of stability of banking systems promoting further improvement of mutually beneficial cooperation between clubmen of operating central banks of the countries of Central Asia, Black Sea Region and Balkan Countries has taken place.  P.S. The Central Banks Governors’ Club was established in 1998. The decision on establishment of the Club was accepted by results of a meeting at level of heads of the Central Banks of the countries of region taken place in October, 1997 in Istanbul. At present 20 central banks from the various countries of the world are members of the Club.  The main objective of the Club is to give to Central Banks of member-countries the opportunity of a regular exchange of opinions on monetary policy implementation, performance of banking supervision, maintenance of stability of banking systems. The tasks of the Club also include compilation and exchange of information on above-mentioned issues between its member-countries. The bodies of the Club have the opportunity to establish working groups to make research on specific directions of activity of central banks and analysis of macroeconomic situation in the region for ensuring its economic and financial stability.  Press-Center NBT

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