On July 1, the average buying-selling rate of US dollar in the basic segments of exchange market slightly decreased

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On July 1, the average buying-selling rate of US dollar in the basic segments of exchange market slightly decreased

On July 1, 2009 the average buying-selling rate of US dollar in the basic segments of exchange market a little gone down and made on the average 4,4253 somoni in the exchange offices of Dushanbe, that is lower for 0,1 % in comparison with the last day. Along with it, the rates of other currencies were rather stable, and 10 Russian rubles made 1,41 somoni and 1 Euro - 6,10 somoni.

In the inter-bank and intra-bank markets the basic operations with US dollar were effected at the rate of 4,4018 - 4,4326 somoni, the average indicator of which has made 4,4240 somoni, in this connection the average official exchange rate has made 4,4003 somoni.


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