Average buying-selling rate of USD as the last days has not changed

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Average buying-selling rate of USD as the last days has not changed

On August 11 the average buying-selling rate of USD as the last days has not changed and made on the average 4,4436 Somoni for 1 USD. In turn, the rates of other currencies also were rather stable and made on the average for 10 Russian rubles - 1,4015 Somoni, for 1 Euro - 6,2536 Somoni.

On inter-bank and intra-bank segments of the market it is observed the increase of supply of foreign currency and in this connection the average rate of 1 USD has made 4,4174 Somoni, 10 Russian rubles - 1,4032 Somoni, 1 Euro - 6,2490 Somoni.


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