Announcement of tender

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Announcement of tender

The National Bank of Tajikistan announces a tender on selection of an audit company to fulfil an audit of the financial statements of the bank for the period May-December of 2009, as of December 31, 2009.

For participation in the tender audit companies should submit to the National Bank of Tajikistan the following documents:

a) an application for participation in the tender, certified by the signature of the head of the company and seal;

b) information on financial and economic performance of the audit company, containing data on works and services for the last fiscal year.

c) a set of documents with attached list:

-copies of establishment documents of the audit company certified by notary including changes and additions;

-balance sheet and report on profits and losses of the audit company for the last reporting date;

-a draft of contract indicating the cost of the service, plan and time-line of carrying out the audit. This cost should be definitive and include the taxes and other expenses according to the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan.

The deadline of presentation of applications and documents for participation in the tender is December 10, 2009.

Interested companies should send their applications for participation in the tender to the following contact person:

Mr. Jamshed Yusupov,

Deputy Chairman

National Bank of Tajikistan

107А Rudaki Ave., Republic Tajikistan, 734003, Dushanbe

Tel.: + (992) 44 600 32 02

Fax: + (992) 44 600 31 48


Dushanbe city,
October 26, 2009

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