In the National Bank of Tajikistan management took place personnel reshuffles:

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In the National Bank of Tajikistan management took place personnel reshuffles:

In connection with appointment of Murodali Alimardon to the position of Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tajikistan and according to Decree of the President of RT, dated January, 26th, 2008, he was dismissed from the position of Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan.

In connection with moving to another job Tatiana Alfeevna Marakushina, Djuma Eshov and Ahmadjon Sharifjonov were dismissed from Deputy Chairman’s positions of the National Bank of Tajikistan.

Sharif Rahimzoda by Decree of the President of the Republic Tajikistan, dated. January, 26th, 2008, is appointed to the position of Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan.

Jamshed Zuhuriddinovich Yusupov and Malohat Kholikzoda are appointed to the positions of Deputy Chairman.

Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan

He was born on March 12, 1959 in Hamadoni district. He is Tadjik. In 1981 he graduated from the Tajik State University (nowadays it is Tajik State National University) on major subject "Finance and Credit", in 1986 he completed the postgraduate study of the State Financial Academy of Moscow and also the International Banking and Financial Courses in the Institutes of Austria, the Great Britain, Singapore, USA, Japan and Turkey. He is Doctor of Economics. He has a perfect command of English.

He started his labor activity in 1981 as the Assistant to Finance and Credit Faculty of University. In 1989 he moved to work to banking system and till 1993 worked as the Head of the Department of Housing-Social Bank, the Deputy Head of Division of Vnesheconombank, Vise-President of Vnesheconombank of the Republic of Tajikistan.

In 1993-25.01.2001 - Senior Adviser of the President of Republic Tajikistan on social and economic policy, First Deputy Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan. In 2001 - Chairman of the State Committee on Financial Control under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan. In 2001-2006 – Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Tajikistan in Kingdom of Belgium and French Republic, Head of Representatives of the Republic of Tajikistan under European Structures, Resident Representative of RT under UNESCO, NATO.

December 1, 2006 – January 26, 2008 - Chairman of State Committee on Investments and Management of State Property of the Republic of Tajikistan.

From January 26, 2008 - Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan.

He is a Deserved Worker of the Republic of Tajikistan.

He has diplomatic rank of the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary.

He is married, has two children.

Mr. Usupov Jamshed Zuhuriddinovich, Deputy Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan

He was born in July 19, 1970 in Isfara town, Sogdian Region.

In 1992 he graduated from Tajik State University (today Tajik State National University), Mechanical-Mathematic Faculty, specialty “total mathematics” with excellent. Then he continued his education in post – graduate study in chair “Theory of function and mathematic analysis”.

In 2000 he took his candidate of physico-mathemetical science degree.

He started his labor activity in 1994 as Specialist of Committee on Standard of Central Stock Exchange, thereupon he was appointed as Director of above mentioned Committee.

Since 1997 through January 1998 he was an Administrative Assistant in Office of Project Services of UNO (United Nation Organizations) (OPSUNO). In 1998 he entered to the job in the National Bank of Tajikistan as Head of the Securities Division, Realization of Monetary Policy Department.

In 2001 he was appointed as Head of the Monetary Policy and Statistics Department of the National Bank of Tajikistan.

Since January 2008, he is Deputy Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan.

He is married and has three children.

Mrs. Kholiqzoda Malohat, Deputy Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan

She was born on April, 11th, 1961 in Dushanbe. She is Tajik.

In 1983 she graduated Moscow National Economy Institute of Labour Red Banner Order named by G.V.Plekhanov (nowadays it is G.V.Plekhanov's Academy), Industrial Economy Faculty on a major speciality an Economist.

She began her labour activity in 1983 from an Economist position of Planning-Industrial Division at Baking Association of the Tajik Soviet Socialist Republic.

Since 1985 she had worked as Senior Economist in Labour and Demography Division at Scientific Research Institute and in Economic-Mathematics Methods’ Division at the State Planning Committee of the Tajik Soviet Socialist Republic. In 1986 she was appointed to the position of Deputy Head of Industry Division of Planning Commission of Kurgan-Tube Region (nowadays it’s Khatlon Region) Executive Committee. From 1991 to 1993 she worked as Head of Planning Division in Ministry of Water Industry of the Tajik Soviet Socialist Republic.

Since 1993 worked as Economist in Credit Recourses Forecasting Department of the National Bank of Tajikistan, then as Leading Economist in Dealing Transactions Division at “Vnesheconombank”, Head of Currency Division “Textinvestbank” and Deputy Head of Economic Information Department and Balance of Payment at the National Bank of Tajikistan.

On March, 28th, 2002 she was appointed to the position of President of Tajikistan’s Advisor for Economy Policy of banking activity. For several years she supervised Trade-Union of the Executive Office of the President of Tajikistan.

On January, 26th, 2008 she was appointed to the position of Deputy Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan.

She posses state awards for working period at the Executive Office of the President of Tajikistan.

She is married. She has three children.

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