Meeting with the heads of the credit institutions

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Meeting with the heads of the credit institutions

    On February 7 of current year was held management meeting of the National Bank of Tajikistan with the heads of the credit institutions and have been considered issues concerning banking system development, effective implementation of monetary policy in view of restraint of rate of inflation growth and also maintenance of real growth of economy.       The Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan Abdujabbor Shirinov noted in his speech on improvement of quality of the financial and electronic banking services, increase of volumes of crediting in economy, including granting of long-term credits for development of industrial business, taking measures on maintenance of loan repayment, development of securities market, growth of financial stability and bank profits, microfinancial institutions development and attraction of the foreign capital.     
     The Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan A. Shirinov also has noticed, that lightening of the financial position of banks can be negatively reflected in economy condition of the republic as a whole. In this connection, the credit institutions should take all necessary measures for achievement of good results and to make a contribution to development of real sector of economy and support of industrial business.
     During the meeting heads of the credit institutions and Association of banks of the republic have expressed opinions concerning existing issues and have made a number of offers for improvement of situation in banking system of the country.


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